Letter of Introduction

February 4, 2019


80 Baruch Drive

New York, NY 100002

[email protected]


Dear Mr.Collins,


One of my talents which I am proud of is being able to play the flute. In my high school Manhattan Village Academy, one of the required courses was music. I had to pick an instrument that I would be working on for the rest of my freshman year. I made the incorrect assumption that the flute would be the easiest instrument to play. It was not easy at all; I struggled for a very long time to make any noise come out of the head joint. I became very frustrated but listened to the advice that practice makes perfect. I would take part of my lunch period to continue practicing the flute. Eventually, I was able to read the notes easily, make the correct sounds, and hand movements.


During middle school I discovered my love for math. I had this great teacher that made the math lesson interesting. Because of my performance in the math course, I was placed into the honors class. Ever since my initial experience with my middle school teacher, my passion for math has continued to grow. Math comes naturally to me. I pay attention, practice it a couple of times, and then I excel in it.

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That is when I realized that what I do in my future should involve math. In my life I have more opportunities available and so I should take advantage of them. My major is mechanical engineering. The reason why I picked mechanical engineering is because there are many branches within it. Another factor in which I picked mechanical engineering is because I want to make a decent amount of money. Mechanical engineering is not limited to one specific thing. Some subjects that I should have a strong understanding in is physics and math. I find both of those subjects enthralling and I like the idea of using them and being able to build from it.


I know that mechanical engineering has to do with designing and making certain machines that we use in our everyday life such as a refrigerator. I want to be able to have the knowledge of building machines that will be utilized in people’s everyday lives. I also like the idea of being able to design something and being able to test if it is safe and if it works effectively. Mechanical engineering connects to my professional goals because in the future, I will be able to build a product that is needed, hence it being used daily. Things that I would have to do is solve problems, make prototypes, and experiment.


How I imagine my future place in the world of engineering is being able to design something and test it. I would like to use my problem solving techniques in order to improve machines that will end up making things easier for somebody. I see myself actually building a product and using my


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creativity to try and improve upon it. I like the idea of understanding what goes within making the product. Some engineering challenges with which I will like to be involved in is with the experiments of the products in order to make sure that they work well. I also will encounter the challenge of making sure that the product is safe for the user. I would have to make sure that my calculations were done well. Another challenge that I would like to be involved in is finding ways to improve the product by making it more advanced.




Britney Reyes